Conference Prizes are awarded for outstanding student presentations during the NZMSS annual conference
Conference Prizes are awarded for outstanding student presentations during the NZMSS annual conference
“Shedding light on sea ice microbes”
“Impacts of marine heatwaves on juvenile giant kelp”
“Snapper snacks: Rocky reef snapper (Chrysophrys autatus) diet in northereaster New Zealand”
“Microbiome patterns observed among thermally stressed abalone at Cook Strait, New Zealand”
“Facilitation of epifauna by 3D printed biogenic habitat during extreme marine heatwaves”
“Whole-genome analysis to resolve genetic structure of Antipodean and Gibson’s albatross populations”
“I aha ki ngā toheroa nō Horowhenua: What’s happened to the toheroa in the Horowhenua?”
“Reconstructing last millennium marine biogeochemistry using New Zealand deep-sea black corals”
“Grazing in the dark: Impacts of Centrostephanus rogersii on sessile encrusting invertbrates”
“Fatter snapper in shellfish farms says its all mussel”
This prize is awarded to the university that achieved the highest average score across all of their student presentations/posters