Conference Prizes are awarded for outstanding student presentations during the NZMSS annual conference
Timothy Thomson (left) with NZMSS President Anna Madarasz-Smith (right)
Conference Prizes are awarded for outstanding student presentations during the NZMSS annual conference
Timothy Thomson (left) with NZMSS President Anna Madarasz-Smith (right)
“Unearthing the drivers of organic matter degradation in mangrove soils of the Bay of Plenty and Coromandel regions”
“Trends in coastal marine heatwaves across seasons and bioregions and a case study of ecological impacts in southern New Zealand”
“Investigating the effect of bacterial co-infections on juvenile and adult green-lipped mussels: A laboratory study“
“Habitat use of New Zealand southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) in southern New Zealand Marine Protected Areas”
“Cumulative effects of microplastics and nitrogen loading on microphytobenthos and sediment-dwelling infauna”
“Subtropical sea urchin poses novel threat to diverse rock wall assemblages in northern New Zealand”
“Using marine reserves to assess the status of crayfish/koura Jasus edwardsii populations in the Hauraki Gulf, northeastern New Zealand”
“Seabirds as Tohu of Ocean State”